By the time William entered the park five years later, Angela had been promoted to Hospitality. Maeve, Armistice ( Ingrid Bolsø Berdal), Lawrence’s daughter ( Izabella Alvarez), and Angela all lived in this town with Dolores as they all took their first shaky steps towards becoming hosts. We see her both in Ford’s initial Episode 3 flashback about the park’s creation and, again, in this week’s episode when Dolores flashed back to her time there. Thirty-five years ago, when the park first opened, Angela was a resident of the Town with the White Church, which seems to have served as the Westworld home base. But there’s another female host who can help firm up the time line for us: Talulah Riley’s Angela. What’s happening with Dolores is confusing, and not just for her. Maeve’s neck thing is just a little bit of history repeating. You relive them.” So, from her perspective, one second she’s slashing the Man in Black’s throat on the homestead, the next she watches in horror (but not that much regret) as the New Clementine suffers the consequences in the streets of Sweetwater. Maeve, on the other hand, is having some issues with it because, as Felix tells her: “You recall memories perfectly.

Since the hair, wardrobe, and setting of her two loops-the Mariposa and the homestead-are so different, it’s easy to tell when Maeve is flashing back and forth in time. After he blew up her world, Ford ( Anthony Hopkins) and Bernard reprogrammed Maeve and plunked her into the Mariposa. Then, as we learned in this episode, along came the Man in Black with something to prove. About a year ago, Maeve was playing a simple homesteader with a daughter. Maeve’s ( Thandie Newton) plot in Westworld isn’t without its complications but it has unfurled over the course of eight episodes in a way that makes her journey somewhat easy to track. Understanding Dolores’s Glitches: There are two female robots in Westworld currently grappling with their senses of reality, and their stories are being presented in starkly different ways.